Electrifying Success

Powering expansion dreams

Introducing FTN Motion, a cutting-edge electric motorcycle manufacturer renowned for their stylish, clean and quiet rides. To fuel their expansion and meet growing demand, FTN Motion turned to crowdfunding. By selling shares in their business, they successfully raised the necessary funds to shift into the next gear. Werk ran a successful capital raise campaign that built significant brand awareness, generated qualified leads, and secured the investments needed to propel their growth. When you spot one of their sleek electric bikes whizzing by, remember FTN Motion and the power of crowdfunding (with a touch of Werk Agency magic). Ride on!

Images supplied by FTN Motion.

Photo of two males in front of beach and ocean scene, one standing with hand on a fence and the other sitting on the fence. A black FTN Motion electric motorbike sits next to them.
Black and white image of a man in a suit and black helmet sitting on an FTN Motion electric motorbike in a car parking building environment

Strategic acceleration

We began by diving deep into FTN Motion's ultimate objectives. Once we had a clear picture of their desired investment target and the anticipated average investment per supporter we mapped out a campaign strategy that would deliver the desired results. Through collaborative workshops, we honed in on their unique selling points, which became the foundation for our ad angles and campaign messaging. By delving into their ideal customer profile, we fine-tuned our messaging and campaign targeting to resonate perfectly with their audience, ensuring our strategy shifted through the gears during the campaign to accelerate success.

Image Credit: The Brief Store


Cost per lead


Leads generated


Total investors


Funds raised

Strategy & Results

We revved up to raise $1 million to power FTN Motion's manufacturing expansion. Meta (Facebook/Instagram) was our main lever for conversions, backed by LinkedIn, Google Display and NZ Herald for broader visibility. We integrated the crowdfunding platform with our ad channels to track sign-ups, nail down cost per lead, and optimise in real time.

On Meta, we crafted a full-throttle campaign using first-party data, interest targeting, and savvy remarketing. LinkedIn hit the tech crowd and high-income pros intrigued by FTN Motion. Google zoomed in on investment enthusiasts, while the NZ Herald gave us a cost-effective click. Throughout, we fine-tuned based on best-performing assets, doubling down on what was hitting top speed. The result? Over 281 parties committed $1,116,026 in investments, surpassing our goal by 16%. Now that's riding in style!

Female with orange shirt,
Female with orange shirt,
Female with orange shirt,
"Werk has been brilliant. They tailor the best solution."

FTN Motion

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